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Asher Nordson March PX-250

Silicon Lithography
North Cleanroom

Photoresist Removal

Compatible Materials: 
Si / SiGe
Incompatible Materials: 

1. Log on to the tool using the LabAccess terminal.
2. Vent the asher chamber :
a) Select program 4 and press the 'start' button.
b) To stop vent press 'manual' button and make sure the red light is toggled on, then press the 'bleed' button to turn off the bleed.
3. To ash a sample:
a) Place your samples on the two solid plates.
b) Then latch shut the door to the asher.
c) Select program 1 and press 'start'. The asher will ash for 10 minutes at a press of 700 mTorr at a power of 300W, then it will switch to program 2 and bleed the chamber to purge it.
d) To stop vent press the 'manual' button and make sure the red light is toggled on, then press the 'bleed' button to turn off the bleed.
4. Leave the chamber under vacuum when finished:
a) Select program 1 and press 'start'.
b) Press the 'stop' button when the chamber reaches 200mTorr. This will stop the program and leave the chamber under vacuum.
5. Log off of the tool using the LabAccess terminal.