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LPCVD Nitride - MRL

North Cleanroom

MRL LPCVD Furnace, Piranha Clean Required (Unless wafer is comingout of diffusion tube)

Compatible Materials: 
Si / SiGe
Incompatible Materials: 
Metals / Hi K / III-V / Photoresist

1. Log on to the tool using the LabAccess terminal.
2. Go to the recipe loader on the MRL control computer by selecting the apple and choosing process loader.
3. Select the nitride furnace (5-2).
4. Select the desired recipe (new recipes must be approved and created by the maintenance staff).
5. Enter the desired deposition time (current rates for standard recipes may be determined by checking the log book)
6. Enter run data (user, recipe, deposition time) in log book.
7. Enter MRL control password and select load recipe.
8. Open the tube status window (under the apple icon if not already open).
9. Open the nitride furnace window.
10. Select control button.
11. Select start.
12. Wait for load/unload step.
13. Place wafers in boat (this should be done on the load platform with clean tools and on cleanroom wipes to prevent contamination of the boat) including buffer wafers to ensure more uniform deposition on device wafers. 
14. Transfer the boat into the furnace with the rod.
15. Close the furnace door.
16. Re-open the nitride furnace status window, select the control button, and select hold to remove the load/unload hold. 17. Hold the furnace door closed until the 10 second load/unload countdown is complete and the system has been pumping for an additional 5-10 seconds. This is essential for the furnace to establish a good vaccuum, and the furnace will abort if it fails. 
18. Wait for the deposition to run automatically.
19. Wait for load/unload step.
20. Use rod to remove the boat from the furnace.
21. Close the furnace door.
22. Re-open the nitride furnace status window, select the control button, and select hold to remove the load/unload hold. 23. Hold the furnace door closed until the 10 second load/unload countdown is complete and the system has been pumping for an additional 5-10 seconds. This is essential for the furnace to establish a good vaccuum, and the furnace will abort if it fails. 
24. Allow boat and wafers to cool while waiting for recipe to finish running.
25. After process is complete, reopen the process loader under the apple.
26. Select the nitride furnace.
27. Choose the idleLP recipe.
28. Enter MRL control password and select load recipe.
29. Open the nitride furnace status window.
30. Select control button.
31. Select start.
32. Unload the wafers again using cleanroom wipes and clean tools to prevent contamination to the boat.
33. Measure the nitride deposition thickness.
34. Enter the nitride deposition thickness in the log book.
35. Log off of the tool using the LabAccess terminal.