Amritesh Rai Receives IEEE Outstanding Individual Achievement Award

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Friday, April 26, 2019

Texas ECE graduate student, Amritesh Rai, was awarded the IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement Award at the 2019 IEEE Region 5 Annual Conference & Business Meeting held earlier this month in Lafayette, LA. Amritesh was awarded in recognition for his role as the IEEE Region 5 Young Professionals Chair, for helping with the regional logistics during the 2018 IEEE-USA Future Leaders Forum that was held in Austin, and for establishing the first-ever graduate student-led Chapter of IEEE in the whole of IEEE Region 5.

Amritesh was also recently recognized by the IEEE Young Professionals (YP) group. He was featured in a Volunteer Spotlight Article published online on the IEEE YP IMPACT Blog.

Amritesh Rai is a PhD Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) in the Solid-State Electronics track and works at UT’s Microelectronics Research Center (MRC). He is advised by Professor Sanjay K. Banerjee. Besides IEEE, Amritesh has also been actively involved in various STEM outreach, mentoring and leadership roles at UT. He served as President of the Student Leadership Council (SLC) of the NASCENT Engineering Research Center (ERC) – an NSF-funded multi-institutional and multidisciplinary research center led by UT. Amritesh received his MS in ECE at The University of Texas at Austin and BS (summa cum laude) in ECE at The Ohio State University. He plans to complete his PhD this Summer, following which he will join the US memory chip maker Micron Technology, Inc. in Boise.