Prof. Ray Chen delivers an invited technology transfer tutorial at 2016 OSA CLEO Transfer Program

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Prof. Ray Chen was invited to give an invited technology transfer tutorial entitled “Silicon Nanomembranes for Sensing Applications” in the 2016 Optical Society (OSA) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Technology (CLEO) Transfer Program, which was held in the San Jose Convention Center early June. The talk was a summary of Prof. Chen’s AFOSR-sponsored MURI Research Center on Silicon Nanomembranes, which created a myriad of miniaturized sensing devices for air pollution, water pollution, drug screening, early cancer detection and EM wave sensing.

CLEO serves as the premier international forum for scientific and technical optics, uniting the fields of lasers and opto-electronics by bringing together all aspects of laser technology, from basic research to industry applications. The Technology Transfer Tutorial provides attendees an opportunity to learn more about the licensing process; funding, entrepreneurship, technology transfer, and intellectual property. In addition, organizations feature their license ready technologies at tabletop displays in the exhibit hall.

Prof. Chen is the Keys and Joan Curry/Cullen Trust Endowed Chair at Texas ECE. He is the director of the Nanophotonics and Optical Interconnects Research Lab, at the Microelectronics Research Center. His research group at The University of Texas at Austin has reported its research findings in more than 820 published papers, including over 100 invited papers. He holds over 35 patents.