UT ECE professor Zheng Wang has received a 2013 Sloan research Fellowship. Sloan Fellowships are highly competitive and prestigious.“The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.
Dr. Zheng Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the University of Texas at Austin. He received his BS degree in Physics in 2000 from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and his Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 2006. During his PhD, he focused on developing integrated photonic crystal devices for optical information processing. From 2006 to 2012, he worked as a postdoc associate and subsequently a research scientist at MIT. He pioneered topological photonic devices at microwave frequencies, and builds subwavelength optical and acoustic devices using periodic media and multimaterial fibers for signal processing, sensing and transduction applications. He has co-authored over 27 peer-reviewed journal articles and holds 2 US patents.
Professor Wang joined UT Austin starting from January 2012, and he is a member of IEEE, OSA, and MRS societies.