Website Undergoing Updates
We are in the process of redesigning our website. Some pages may be incomplete or outdated. Please bear with us during this transition.


Safety Training

Please contact Darren Robbins for safety training

Equipment Training

MRC equipment users are required to train on the equipment they intend to use. All training request must be sent to You will receive an immediate response from “UT Services” notifying you that a ticket has been opened on your behalf. 
Include the following information when e-mailing to request the training or certification.
  • Your Name
  • Desired Tool training/Certification
  • Brief process description (the goal you are aiming by using the requested tool)
  • Telephone Contact Information
  • Any Scheduling Restrictions/ Conflicts you may have.

Once the Training Staff received your e-mail for a training request a training session day and time will be communicated to you. If for any reason you did not get any response from our engineers within 3 working days or you need to add information or discussion, or checking on status, please respond to the most recent email that was sent to you by UT Services on the topic of discussion.  If you send a new email, you will generate another new ticket that can cause confusion and actually slow the process you’re requesting.

If you do not get any response from our MER staffs within a week after your ticket has been created please sent an email to mentioning the original ticket nos that have been created for the initial request.

To report the problems regardin the tool or the lab access issues, please specify your name and the tool name(s) in the subject line of an email to