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UT MRC tool Reservation system

  1. Reservations can be seen without booking with login: guest, pass: guestMRC
  2. You must make your online reservation before logging onto the tool.
  3. Any user who makes a reservation on any calendar and fails to log into lab access within 30 minutes of said reservation forfeits their reservation slot. 
  4. Any user logging into a tool where a user has not logged in within the 30 minutes should notate this on the respective calendars.

If there are any problems with equipment, please send details to

Zeiss Neon40 FE-SEM scheduling procedure

  • The Zeiss Neon 40 scheduling is done on the web calendar
  • Each user is allowed to have a maximum of two (2) reservations at any time.
  • Maximum reservation duration shall be two (2) hours for METROLOGY work. For pattern generation with the RAITH EPLHY QUANTUM software, the reservation duration shall be six (6) hours. Please schedule the writing time on the evening or during week-end as much as possible.
  • Each group (professor’s group, company, etc.) shall have a maximum of 3 reservations per day during the period 8:00AM to 8:00PM.
  • Reservations may not be made beyond 48 hours in advance
  • The tool may be used when not reserved, if your duration of work will not interfere with the next reserved time. This use of unreserved time shall not count toward the user or the group’s maximum number of slots.
  • Users shall not share or borrow other users’ reservation slots.
  • Users shall be logged onto the tool for the complete duration of their use of the tool.  This includes load, pump-down, scan image, and all other facets of the use of the tool. When the tool is not logged on the lab access system, it will be considered not in use and may be addressed by any other user, if their use does not interfere with the next reserved time.
  • Users shall enter complete information into the tool log book each time they use the tool.
  • Tool usage and reservation utilization will be monitored.  Book what you need and use what you book. Tool log book entries will be monitored relative to reservations and lab access usage. 


Please contact Jesse James for training on the imprio100

  • Each day will be broken into four, 6-hour time slots. Time slots shall be 08:00 AM to 2:00 PM, 2 PM to 8 PM, 8 PM to 2 AM and 2 AM to 8 AM.  
  • Each individual user may book no more than 3 bookings at one time. 
  • The tool will be configured with SFIL and SFIL-R dispensers and nozzles. Users who require a different set-up will be required to change the tool to their required set-up and return it to normal before finishing.
  • Users that require consecutive day use of the tool may, upon authorization, book and use up to 3 days (72 hours) consecutively, but then may not book any reservation within the next 30 days.
  • Unreserved time on the tool is available for use on a first-come basis, and will not count toward a user reservation slots.
  • The usage statistics will be audited relative to the bookings on a regular basis. 

Penalties will be issued to time wasters:
Unused reservations will result in documentation of tool availability wasted.  

Multiple unused reservations will result in a user’s access to the tool being removed. 

CHA #1, #2, #3, MJB4, MA6/BA6, Plasmatherm 1 & 2

  • The equipment scheduling will be done on the web calendar
  • Prime time will be defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Off time will be defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM and all weekend days.
  • Each individual user may book no more than 2 prime time bookings and 2 off time bookings, for a total of a maximum of 4 bookings within 48 hours intervals.
  • Each booking may be no more than 2 hours. A booking may be less than 2 hours if the user does not need a full increment of 2 hours.
  • Reservations may not be made beyond 48 hours in advance
  • There may not be more than 3 prime bookings on the calendar made by persons in a group (professor’s group, company, etc) within 48 hours intervals.
  • The tool may be used when not reserved, if your duration of work will not interfere with the next reserved time.  This use of unreserved time shall not count toward the user or the group’s maximum number of slots.
  • Users shall not share or borrow other users’ reservation slots.
  • Users shall be logged onto the tool and in the general vicinity for the complete duration of their use of the tool. This includes load, pump-down, evaporation, and all other facets of the use of the tool.  When the tool is not logged on the lab access system, it will be considered not in use and may be addressed by any other user, if their use does not interfere with the next reserved time.
  • Users shall enter complete information into the tool log book each time they use the tool.


  • Each user will be allowed to have a maximum of two (2) reservations at any time.
  • Reservations may not be made beyond two weeks in advance.
  • Maximum reservation duration for Chamber B shall be three (3) hours. The target in chamber B is a 6-inch Ta target
  • Maximum reservation for Chamber A shall be twelve (12) hours.
  • In Chamber A, right target location, 4-inch Hf target shall not be removed, except in cases of co-sputtering requirements.
  • Target changing shall only be done late in the evening, after reserved slots are over, or after 7:00PM, whichever is later, and before 03:00 AM or at completion of reserved use, whichever is earlier.  This will afford pump-down time for morning use of the machine.
  • Users shall wear appropriate air purifying respirator when opening the chamber for target changing.  Users shall consult with the MER Facilities Office, Safety Coordinator for specifications on which respirator and cartridges to obtain.
  • Target shields shall not be cleaned in the cleanroom.  They shall be removed from the cleanroom for cleaning when required.
  • Users who initiate a target change shall reserve and use the machine the next day, not starting later than 09:00AM.  Users who plan a target change may check with the last reserved user and request they change target for them.  Users shall be willing to change targets for others in this scenario.
  • With the Hf target typically always installed, users who only need to sputter Hf may use the machine when available without reservation, and that usage shall not count against their reservation slots.
  • Users may use Chamber B without reservation in the event the tool is not in use or within one hour of a reserved slot, and shall not count that usage against their reservation slots.
  • Users shall not share or borrow other users’ reservation slots.
  • Tool usage and reservation utilization will be monitored.  Book what you need and use what you book. 


Please contact Bill Ostler for Training. 

E-beam scheduling procedure:

  • Prime time will be defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Off time will be defined as Monday through Friday, 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM and all weekend days.
  • Each individual user may book no more than 2 prime time bookings and 2 off time bookings, for a total of a maximum of 4 bookings.
  • Each booking may be no more than 4 hours. A booking may be less than 4 hours if the user does not need a full increment of 4 hours. The motto of 'Book what you need, and use what you book' will become a standard motto of the e-beam group.
  • There may not be more than 8 bookings on the calendar made by persons in a group (professor)
  • Book what you need and use what you book. The usage statistics will be audited relative to the bookings on a regular basis. Penalties will be issued to time wasters. Reviewing audit results, a person who starts to calibrate to expose more than 2 hours into their booked time slot will be considered to have started late and therefore have wasted time. This will result in the person's bookings being removed from the schedule and that person will have to rebook at the next available time slot. A person who finishes exposing and therefore finishes their process more than 2 hours before the end of their booked time slot will also be considered as wasting time. New processes that have unknown exposure times should be discussed with  MRC Staff member prior to being done, to explain the unknown factor and the reason for longer booking than process. Repeated exposure finishes more than 2 hours prior to the end of a booking, without convincing reason, will result in a person's bookings being removed from the schedule. Second offense penalty will be all bookings removed and the user removed from the e-beam access for one month. Third offense will result in consultation with the user's professor and determination of the need for that user to have e-beam access at all.