Website Undergoing Updates
We are in the process of redesigning our website. Some pages may be incomplete or outdated. Please bear with us during this transition.


To receive important information about MRC (cleanroom closure, safety, events) please sign up to the UT lists merall.

All potential cleanroom users must contact the Safety Officer to schedule Site Specific Hazardous Communication / Cleanroom Procedure & Policy training prior to entering the cleanroom.

All users will be trained on tools by MRC technicians or senior students and eventually certified to gain full tool access.

The lab access system is a server to enable/disable the cleanroom equipment usage. Once you have finished with an equipment, log off to prevent unneccessary charges.

Information Available On This Page

MRC Safety & Cleanroom Procedures

Facility Alarms & Evacuation

Fire, Gas & Power Outage

  • In the event of a fire or gas alarm strobes and horns will activate.
  • If possible in a matter of seconds, turn off or place equipment that could become hazardous if unattended in a safe state.
  • Evacuate the building immediately for fire and gas alarms. Do not take time to remove cleanroom garment until you have evacuated the building.
  • Evacuate the building immediately for power outages unless there is a storm outside, then assemble in the lobby.
  • If possible turn off equipment that could become hazardous if re-energized while unattended.
  • Evacuate and assemble across the street from the front (East side) of the building.
  • Do not reenter the building under any situation until the all clear is given.
  • If you have any knowledge of the incident, please inform the nearest Emergency Response Team (ERT) member.

Personal Protective Equipment

Safety Glasses

  • Safety glasses should be worn in the following areas:
  • The cleanroom (at all times)
  • The machine shop
  • The test labs when working with chemicals or blow guns
  • Anywhere you are using a drill, saw, router, etc.
  • At all dewar filling stations


  • Gloves are to be worn in the Cleanroom at all times.
  • Gloves available at the interior entrance to the cleanroom are to minimize particals in the cleanroom, they give you no protection against chemicals.
  • A combination of the above-mentioned gloves under a yellow Trionic® chemical glove will provide the necessary protection. T
  • rionic® gloves are available through out the cleanroom and in the new garment area.
  • For glove compatibility with newly introduced chemicals, contact the Facilities Coordinator prior to chemical use.
  • Always wear chemical gloves, chemical apron, face shield, & safety glasses when working with chemicals

Chemicals, Materials Purchasing and Handling

Puchasing: All New & Free Chemical Samples

  • A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be submitted to the Facilities Coordinator and Process Engineer for evaluation prior to any new materials being brought in to the building

Chemical Handling

  • Read the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) prior to using any chemical
  • Be sure to thoroughly rinse your hands prior to touching anything outside the wet hoods. Example: Damage to the face shields and air phones
  • Don’t set the chemical bottles on the decks of the hoods or on the floor. The bottoms of the bottles may not be clean and you will contaminate the hood (and your process)
  • Do not transport chemicals yourself off site or onto site. Contact Facility Coordinator for instructions
  • Never add water to Acids. Always slowly add acid to water. Understand reaction of mixing chemicals.

Chemical Storage

  • Chemicals are to be stored by their hazard class (i.e., Flammable, Corrosive, Oxidizer ).
  • Storage cabinets are located throughout the cleanroom and are labeled as to their appropriate contents.

Waste Disposal

All unanswered questions concerning waste disposal should be directed to the Facilities Coordinator.

Liquid Waste

All users have cradle to grave responsibility for chemicals

ONLY acids may be disposed of down the drains located in the hoods with the use of the aspirator

Organic solvents (i.e., Isopropyl Alcohol , Methanol, & Acetone) must be collected in the waste bottles marked “Waste” and identified to contain Isopropyl

Alcohol , Methanol, & Acetone

  • Developers must also be collected and placed in the waste bottles marked “Waste” and identified to contain Developer
  • When using photoresist in the clean room always place waste wipes lining spinners or contaminated with photoresist in the provided bags and place them in the red flammable trash cans
  • All hazardous waste is documented, tagged, and picked up by the Universities Office of Environmental Health & If we fill these cans with uncontaminated trash we unnecessarily increase our workload and disposal costs

Solid Waste

  • WHITE-Trashcans is for normal trash (i.e. cleanroom paper, broken glove, or non contaminated wipe
  • RED-Trashcan is for debris contaminated with solvents (i.e. wipes and gloves)
  • YELLOW- Trashcan is for trash contaminated with acids (i.e. wipes and gloves)
  • The trashcans are all clearly labeled on the lid
  • Do not fill the Red and Yellow trashcans with uncontaminated trash. You will unnecessarily increase our workload and disposal costs
  • Clean up your mess as soon as you make it. Every lab user is responsible for the upkeep of the cleanroom. We have a Cleanroom Attendant to clean the floors and empty the trashcans but this person is not responsible for cleaning up the hoods, tables, etc.
  • Always leave the area in a clean state. This includes proper disposal of used chemicals
  • All sharps (pipettes, & razor blades) are to be placed into the red sharps containers
  • Broken wafers are to be placed into the blue containers marked Wafer Waste
  • Empty Acid bottles must be rinsed at to the hood located in aisle 1.006 prior to disposal into the trashcan next to the hood.
  • Empty organic solvent and developer bottles must be disposed of in the trashcans labeled “Empty Bottles Only” or in the trashcan next to the hood located in aisle 1.006

Chemical Index – MSDS Database

  •  A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a condensed source for information related to a particular chemical.
  • A MSDS contains a chemical’s name and company information, composition information, identifies hazards, first aid measures, fire fighting measures, accidental release measures, handling and storage information, exposure controls, personal protection information, physical properties, stability and reactivity information, toxicological information, ecological information, disposal considerations, transport information and regulatory information.
  • Always familiarize yourself with a chemical prior to use.
  • MSDS are located outside of the Facilities Office 1.108 & in the cleanroom
  • An On line access to MSDS is the University of Texas Environmental Health & Safety Office go to MSDS & Chemical Information link, go to “CCINFOweb” link. Once there go to “MSDS* plus Cheminfo” link and then select chemical.

Chemical Exposure or Suspected Chemical Exposure

  •  If you suspect an exposure immediately flush the affected area with water for 15 minutes. (This must be for 15 minutes).
  • Large exposure will require the use of an emergency shower. Showers are located through out the cleanroom. Immediately remove any jewelry or contaminated clothing. Call out to someone in the cleanroom and let them know you need help. Have someone dial: 9-606-3180, then at the tone enter 77777#. The Emergency Response Team (ERT) will immediately respond to the building. Someone will need to meet the responders in the lobby entrance to building #160 so as to guide them to the incident. If the exposure covers an area as large or larger than the palm of your hand also dial 9-911 for an ambulance. Explain which chemical is involved and have the MSDS in hand. If assisting someone be sure not to touch the person or expose yourself to the rinse water, wear chemical gloves. If the incident is minor and you wish to question the ERT, call 9-606-3180 and at the tone leave the phone number you are calling from and a responder will contact you immediately.
  • All chemical exposures or suspected chemical exposures must be reported immediately to the Facility Coordinator.
  • Always wear appropriate personnel protective equipment i.e., chemical gloves, safety glasses, chemical apron, and face shield.

Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure & Treatment Information

  • Even a small HF exposure can be dangerous or life threatening.
  • Possible first signs of an exposure: a.) Redness of the skin b.) Itching or slight burning of the skin a.) pain under the finger nails if exposed d.) White to clear blistering of the exposed skin
  • If you suspect an exposure immediately remove any jewelry or contaminated clothing and quickly begin to flush the exposed area with water.
  • Large exposure will require the use of an emergency shower. Showers are located through out the cleanroom. Flush with water for 5 minutes. (This must be for 5 minutes). Call out to someone in the cleanroom and let them know you need help. Have someone dial: 9-606-3180, then at the tone enter 77777#. The Emergency Response Team (ERT) will immediately respond to the building. Someone will need to meet the responders in the lobby entrance to building #160 so as to guide them to the incident. If the exposure covers an area as large or larger than the palm of your hand also dial 9-911 for an ambulance. Explain which chemical is involved and have the MSDS in hand. If assisting someone be sure not to touch the person or expose yourself to the rinse water, wear chemical gloves. If the incident is minor and you wish to question the ERT, call 9-606-3180 and at the tone leave the phone number you are calling from and a responder will contact you immediately. After flushing with water for 5 minuets apply Calcium Gluconate Gel to affected area and continue to apply until a responder arrives. Calcium Gluconate Gel is located at the South end of the cleanroom in a First Aid box near the phone. If the incident is minor and you wish to question the ERT, call 9-606-3180 and at the tone leave the phone number you are calling from and a responder will contact you immediately.
  • All chemical exposures or suspected chemical exposures must be reported immediately to the Facility Coordinator.
  • Use the buddy system (Another knowledgeable user present to assist you in an emergency) when working with dangerous materials. This is especially important with the use of liquid chemicals after hours.

Eye Washes

  • Eyewashes are located through out the Cleanroom and Lite Labs.
  • When using an eyewash, depress eye wash handle, physically hold your eye open with your fingers and place your eye in the water stream. Allow several minutes for flushing to occur.

Data Sheet

Trionic Triple Polymer Glove

  • Description: E-194 trionic triple-polymer blend gloves Offer superior performance in many aggressive chemicals used in wafer fabrication and other applications using acids and chemical mixtures. E194
  • Specification (ALL Size)
  • Length: 14” (35.6 cm)
  • Gauge: 0.020”(0.51 cm)
  • Color: Unpigmented
  • Cuff Design: Flat
  • Grip: “Z” Pattern
  • Material: Nitrile, Neoprene, Natural Rubber blend
  • E194 style pair packaged in heat sealed level 100 poly bag 12 pari packaged in twist tied clean, plain poly bag. Minimal printing on inside packaging for reduced contamination.


  • Users that believe themselves to be pregnant please contact the Facilities Coordinator as soon as possible. The user is rarely restricted but the issue needs to be discussed.

Emergency Contact Personnel and Number

  • Emergency Response Team: 512-606-3180 (pager). You will hear the follwing message "please enter your numeric message after the tone" : enter the phone number you are calling from.
  • Safety Coordinator: Darren Robbins – 512-397-7387 (pager)
  • Facilities Manager: Burt Fowler – 512-397-7390 (pager)

MRC Cleanroom User Information


  • All gas cylinders are to be obtained, received and returned by the Facility Coordinator. Please contact Facility Coordinator with your needs.
  • All gas work (i.e., piping, welding , cylinder changes etc…) are solely preformed by the Facilities personnel.

Liquid Nitrogen Filling Stations

  • There are two filling stations at the MRC facility. One is in the main corridor of the cleanroom and the other is at loading dock F room 1.010.
  • Always wear protective equipment when filling dewars (i.e. thermal gloves & face shield).
  • When you are filling a dewar do not leave it unattended. If you have to leave the area, turn the fill valve OFF. If you allow dewars to overflow it will damage the floors.

Nitrogen Gas Use

  • Please do not waste nitrogen gas.
  • Use nitrogen gas for cleaning wafer at process bench, for creating inert atmospheres in so designed container, or for use with solenoids.
  • For new installations review and verify flow rates with Facilities Coordinator BEFORE you connect to the house system.

Periodic Chemical Inventory Review & Disposal

  • Be sure to go through your storage areas (cleanroom and test labs) to check for expired date codes. If you have expired chemicals, coordinate disposal with the Facilities Coordinator.
  • Don’t let the cleanroom cabinets and hoods become a home for old chemicals or empty containers. This also applies to the test labs.
  • The Facilities Coordinator can help with periodic inspections of bays or test labs.

Cross Contamination

  • Beware of cross contamination.
  • Beakers, tweezers, boats, cassettes, quartzware etc. are not to be moved from a tool at which it is located.
  • Each labelled labware should not be moved to another by for which it is not assigned.
  • Each tool is identified by a posted flier, listing general operating procedures and material compatible and incompatible of the tool.
  • If you have any questions concerning the use of a materials at a tool, contact the MRC Process Engineer or the Facility Coordinator.
  • Example - Boat and boat holder from the furnace are labeled (C41-C44 and C51-C54 for MRL). Each boat and boat holder is assigned to a dedicated furnace. Do not swap boat and boat holder for another furnace.
  • Example - "Si etch" tweezer should be used only in the Si Photoresist etch hood. (H14, H15)
  • Example - Wafer holder "Photo" should stay in the Si Photo bay. Example - SC1/SC2 quartz beaker should stay in the gate oxide wet bench (C11).


  • Any items or containers left out must be labeled with the container contents, users name, phone number and date.
  • All containers, flasks and bottles without this mandatory information will be discarded.

Equipment & Parts Entry

  • All equipment and parts entering the cleanroom must be cleaned prior to their entry into the cleanroom.
  • The equipment and parts entry cleaning station #1 is located in room 1.010 dock F.
  • Use a lint free wipe and the appropriate solvent (isopropyl alcohol, methanol, acetone, or DI water) to clean the equipment.
  • Put all trash in the appropriate containers (i.e. red trash can).
  • Enter equipment and parts entry room with access card and place item on the table.
  • Exit and enter the main cleanroom entrance and access the equipment and parts entry room (1.702) and clean the item again. The item is now ready to enter the main body of the cleanroom.
  • Do not use the equipment and parts entry room for a storage area.
  • Clean the entry room when you are finished cleaning your parts.
  • No cardboard may enter the parts entry room or cleanroom

Cleanroom Garments

  • Cleanroom garments are located in the cleanroom room 1.700C.
  • Use the established procedures as describe in the site specific Hazard Communication training video for wearing and storing garments.
  • You must put a nametag on your garment.
  • A tag will be furnished upon completion of Site Specific Hazardous Communication / Cleanroom Procedure & Policy training.
  • Wear garments for ~40 hours or until soiled before changing.
  • Do NOT take the garments home for any reason.

DI Water Usage

  • Our water usage is very high. We must conserve DI water whenever possible.
  • Do not rinse longer then five minutes.
  • Do not walk off for the faucet unless it is off.

New Equipment Installations

  • All equipment installations must be reviewed and approved prior to purchase or installation. This is necessary to make sure that all utility, safety, and operational issues have been addressed.

Equipment Modifications

All equipment modifications must be reviewed and approved by the Facility Coordinator or the MRC Process Engineer prior to modification or operation. This is necessary to make sure that all utility, safety, and operational issues have been addressed.

Facilities Office

  • The Facilities office is located in building 160 room 1.108.
  • The Facilities office phone number is 512-471-9946.
  • The Facilities Coordinators’ phone number is 512-471-9956.
  • Facilities will connect all equipment to building utilities.
  • Facilities will perform installations, repairs and other related work.
  • Facilities should be involved in pre-purchase phase for large equipment.
  • Facilities maybe used as a source for Safety Information.


  • Report any safety hazards, broken equipment, water leaks, etc., immediately.
  • Never assume that someone has already reported the problem.
  • Monitor your e-mail for any information regarding equipment shut downs and utilities outages.
  • Monitor white board located at the entrance of the cleanroom for information concerning the cleanroom and its tools or emergency instructions.
  • For any problems (i.e., equipment malfunctions/breakdowns, office repairs etc…) submit them to