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Deji Akinwande

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Temple Foundation Endowed Professorship No. 1
Electrical and Computer Engineering
MER 1.206L
EER 4.886

Deji received a B.S/M.S. combined degree in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. His master’s research involved the development and characterization of evanescent microwave probes for non-destructive imaging of materials. Afterwards, he gained experience designing and testing a variety of analog circuits from MHz to 110 GHz for network analyzer and signal generator instruments at Agilent Technologies in northern California.

He subsequently worked at XtremeSpectrum, Freescale and Motorola on the modeling, design and testing of the first commercial 100 Mb/s ultra-wideband receiver chip.

He received the Ph.D. degree from Stanford University in December 2009. His thesis focused on the physics, chemistry, materials and electronic properties of carbon materials. He has published widely on carbon nanomaterials in a variety of disciplines including physics, chemistry, materials, and electrical engineering journals.

Professor Akinwande joined UT Austin starting from January 2010, and he is a member of IEEE, APS, ACS, and MRS societies.