Image from L to R: Liam Connolly-mentor, David Lonstein, Julio Trevino, Tobias Dwyer, Luisa Espinosa, Joshua Acosta,
Paola Perez, Reid Goins, Michael D’Agati, Peter Chang, Thomas Leonard, Yuki Nakashima, Dan Houck -mentor.
2017 REU summer internship from Jun 5th- Fri Aug 4th, 2017 (9 weeks Program).
Mr. Peter Chang - University of Dallas, PI: M Belkin, Mentor: N Nookala
Metasurfaces for Optical Power Limiting
Mr. Michael D'Agati - Stony Brook University, PI: RT Chen, Mentors: Swapnajit Chakravarty / Coulee( Xiaochuan) Xu
Microfluidic Channels for Optical Chemical- and Bio-sensors
Mr. Thomas Leonard - North Carolina State University, PI: S. Bank, Mentor D Ironside
Enhanced Photoluminescence and Broad-Band Reflectivity of Encapsulated Metastructures
Mr. David Lonstein - University at Albany, PI: L Shi, Mentor: SE Sullivan
Opto-Thermal Characterization of Thermal Transport
Mrs. Paola Perez - The University of Texas At El Paso, PI: E Tutuc, Mentor: W Feng
Raman Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy of Core-Double-Shell Nanowires