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Prof. Deji Akinwande Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society

Deji Akinwande, associate professor at Texas ECE, has been elected a 2017 Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Prof Akinwande is being recognized for “contributions to the physical study and development of scalable uniform monolayer graphene synthesis on wafer scale substrates, and the realization of gigahertz flexible and wearable two-dimensional devices, circuits and systems.”

Bilayer Graphene Structure Could Lead to Better Transistors

Imagine trying to fill up a glass of water, and the more you pour in, the emptier the glass gets. It sounds far-fetched, but if you try this same experiment with electrons instead of water, it’s actually quite possible.

For scientists, the counter-intuitive behavior of electrons prompted an important question: Is there a level in a sea of electrons, and can one measure it?

Akinwande's Work on Printed Graphene Transistors Featured in MIT Technology Review

From MIT Technology Review

Flexible electronic circuits would make possible radical new kinds of devices, like water-resistant tablet computers that can be rolled or folded. A group of academic and industry researchers has now demonstrated one of the most important components for this fully flexible future: graphene radio-frequency electronics that are speedy enough to produce, receive, and process telecommunication signals.

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