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Furnace (Sintering ) - MiniBrute

Silicon Metals
North Cleanroom

Forming Gas Anneal (N2, H2) Features: Up to 4inch wafers

Mini-Brute Funace Temperature Calibration: All measurements made under 3 SLPM O2 Flow Gas

The temperature trend is very linear, at lower dial settings that behavior is not continued as the idle (dial setting 0) temperature is about 90C - not 225C as extrapolated.

Temperature is approximately 30°C cooler than tube temperature

Dial Setting Tube Temperature (C)
60  290
80 311
100 333
110 350
120 359
140 375
150 386
160 398
Forming gas, O2
Compatible Materials: 
Si, Al
Incompatible Materials: 
III-V, Au, Cu, Ag,...

1) Use the heat protection glove while operating this tool.
2) Place wafer/s on the wafer carrier and roll it into the cylindrical glass casing.
3) Open the chamber of the forming gas anneal by removing the cylindrical glass cover.
4) Use the glass stick which is found on top of the Forming gas anneal to roll the sample into the chamber. Roll the sample carrier in the middle of the furnace (Not too far into the tube to avoid breaking the tube.)
5) Remove the glass cylinder and put the glass cover back on to the opening of the chamber.
6) Check the temperature setting (standby temperature is 400oC).
7) Connect the gas exhaust to the opening on the glass cover.
8) Open the main valve for the forming gas. This valve is found in the service aisle. The reading on the valve should be 20 to 25psi (The bottle should be open at all times).
9) Turn on the forming gas valve which is found on the top of the tool.
10) Use the knob on this valve to adjust the flow level to 10.
11)Anneal for 20 minutes (standard anneal time)
12) Use the knob on this valve to adjust the flow level to 0.
13) Turn off the forming gas valve that was opene
14) Close the main valve which was opened in step 8 15)Adjust the temperature back to 400C, if changed.
16) Remove the gas exhaust and the glass cover from the opening of the chamber.
17) Align the cylindrical glass casing with the chamber. Use the glass stick to roll the sample out of the chamber. Close the furnace tube with the glass cover.
18) Wait for 20 minutes to let the glassware cool down before unloading the wafer from the glass carrier.
18) Report to Mertech when the gas cylinder is empty.